Did you watch the fireworks shine bright on New Year's Eve? Did you see how they sparkled in the night sky? Or maybe you partied past midnight with friends or loved ones. You could have been like me, who cooked some appetizers, drank a glass of wine, kissed my children goodnight and went to bed, ha!
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I am definitely not a night owl that's for sure, but before I went to sleep, I reflected on the future and what will happen this year. I thought about how I was going to change my attitude and get rid of some bad habits. What about you?
Let’s re-imagine yourself and think about everything you could achieve without….
Fear-holding you back
A nasty attitude with no back-biting
Gatekeeping or not sharing information that others may need
Getting angry easily
Being selfish or condescending
Let's re-imagine yourself starting over this year? What possibilities can you achieve if you believe in yourself? When no one is around, let's be truthful about our actions and decisions. How can you make this world even better? It all begins with the person staring back at you. Would you want to meet you?
Start with a few simple steps, and you may surprise yourself.
Invest in yourself by reading for knowledge and growth
Take care of yourself, inside and out
Become a patient and kind person, be patient with yourself and others
Trust yourself that you have what it takes to succeed
You may find it challenging to truly and honestly evaluate your inner self, but if you can, it would be worth it. You could find the peace you’ve been searching for all along.
Taking time out to examine yourself, and evaluate why you behave the way you do is an extraordinary experience. Your behavior in this world can either be of great success or great failure, not because you lack the skill or intellectual ability, but because your attitude is harmful to you and those around you.
I’m no psychologist or physician of any kind, but I truly believe that our mindset of what we think and believe to be true can either hurt us or help us.
“It's a dog-eat-dog world”
This quote is a metaphor that describes a situation where people are ruthless and selfish in order to succeed, but what if we turned that around and were kind, gentle, patient, sympathetic, and genuine we could help one another and build each other up instead of tearing each other down.
Re-imagining yourself better to help this world be better is the ONE thing you can do to make this world a better place for yourself and your loved ones.
Take this new year to challenge yourself to be better.
Journal your feelings daily
Eat healthier
Rest when you need to
Don’t overload yourself
Be kind and gentle
Following these steps won’t be easy, because the world is tough, I get it. You may stumble because the person you’ve become has already been shaped by your experiences in life, but you can overcome those negative habits, behaviors, and lessons and turn them around for good.
These strategies will not only make you feel more confident but provide you with a sense of purpose. You will be proud of yourself that you are putting something good and wholesome into the world.
Have a Heart for Success