Curls Dynasty Haircare Review
We all want to look our best and that includes our hair. While doing something we all do, scrolling through social media feeds tirelessly, I ran across a hair company called Curls Dynasty. I did a Google search and found that it is a black owned haircare company led by Nickie Nougaisse. I have been transitioning my hair from relaxers to my natural hair for a while and am always intrigued with NEW products to try!
I reached out to this brand online since I couldn't find them in stores in my area. I was able to get a discount code to try the products, but it wasn't enough to review the entire line. I decided to hold off and see if i could find in stores somewhere else. While this post is sponsored by Curls Dynasty, this post is my true opinion and review of this brand.
This post may contain affiliate links for which I would receive a small commission on your purchase, at no additional cost to you. If you do choose to make a purchase, I would greatly appreciate it.
This particular brand is sold at Walmart and Target, but unfortunately, it's not available in my area. I tried endlessly trying to locate it at stores but maybe found only one of their products. I decided not worrying about it until one day while shopping at a beauty supply store, I found Curls Dynasty hair products. This store also had the whole line! I was excited to see it in person and then when I smelled the bottle, it smelled amazing.
I’ve tried different products before, but this line has many benefits my hair was lacking:
- Good for any type of curl pattern
- Adds moisture
- Controls Frizz
- Helps stop shedding and breakage
- Adds shine
Curls Dynasty Cocoa Mint Moisture Rich Shampoo
Smells amazing and with no sulfates, but I found myself using a little more than I would have liked since my hair is very thick. However, I love the bottle that it comes in because of the application tip. It helps control the amount of shampoo while easily applying directly to your scalp.
Curls Dynasty Pumpkin Mint Deep Treatment Masque
This product is really thick and moisturizing and since it is for a deep conditioning treatment a little goes a long way. You would use this after shampooing your hair and then sitting under a hooded dryer for 30 minutes for better results; however, you can let your hair air dry and then rinse out.
Curls Dynasty Give Me Slip Blast Hydration Conditioner
This conditioner will help with the detangle your hair for sure! It hydrates and moisturizes your curls very quickly. It felt smooth and soft and I was shocked by the slip. When you rinse this out, your hair will feel so silky.
Both the Conditioner and Deep Treatment Masque also help with frizz control, split ends and breakage. I could tell the difference right away.
Other Products from Curls Dynasty you definitely should try are:
- Icing on a Curl
- Kalahari Smoothie Leave In
Both products are SUPER hydrating and leave your hair SUPER soft.
The beauty supply store that I found it at is a little out the way, but when I’m on that side of town I’m picking up the Icing on a Curl and the Pumpkin Mint Deep Treatment Masque.
This product line has a lot of natural ingredients including coconut oil, hemp seed oil, shea butter, rosemary oil and peppermint oil to name a few. It has helped with my dry scalp and helped my hair shed less. Overall, I love the Curls Dynasty hair care system and would use it more often if Target or Walmart carried it in my area.
I've been given permission to let you to try it out visit and use my code CHRIW15D5 to get 15% off your hair care purchase.
Overall, I love the Curls Dynasty hair care system and would use it more often if Target or Walmart carried it in my area.
Have you tried any products from Curls Dynasty? Let me know if you do. I would love to hear your thoughts about the brand.