Many people suffer from anxiety and depression, but what is anxiety and depression. They are both similar in many ways, both are intense feelings of worry. If you were to do a Google search you might learn that…
Anxiety is that intense, excessive and constant fear of worrying that many people face, but this isn’t just any type of worry, it’s worrying at an extreme level over everyday situations.
Depression is the feeling of being extremely sad and having a hopeless mood and attitude. It’s the slump of all slumps and nothing can get you out of this slump.
The combination of the two can be detrimental to your life, wellbeing and functionality in the world. You can suffer from having fast heartbeats, break out in a sweat, and even feel nauseous. With depression it can make you feel so sad you don’t even want to get out of bed. When I think of depression I just imagine Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. When everyone around him was having fun, he just walked around sad and not enjoying the fun around him. He also made excuses and just felt down all the time. It really is a hopeless feeling to have.
It’s like having your own cloud of rain over you wherever you go. Depression can make you think someone is talking negatively about you even when they are not. You can feel so insecure about yourself and to make it worse whatever you think in your mind, you believe is the truth. It’s an unnerving feeling and only you can get yourself out of it. It can affect how you handle life situations which can be very challenging to deal with. It can also affect the people around you. Your spouse, kids and even your coworkers. It can cause strain not only on you, but those around you.
So what causes anxiety?
The top 3 things that cause anxiety?
- Fear
Fear may be a person’s natural response to danger. A flight or fight response to a situation or circumstance.
- Worry
Worry are feelings of fear which can definitely bring about anxiety. Constantly thinking about what can negatively happen without that thing being in the forefront of you. It’s thinking the worse before it has even happened.
- Stress
Dealing with tasks that can be challenging or difficult can bring about stress. It’s a mental response to the problems of everyday life. Too much stress can lead to more health problems like high blood pressure and a weakened immune system.
Some people suffer mental health conditions that may require them to be prescribed medication to help lessen the effects of their condition. However, if you are a person (like me) that can cope without the use of medication here are some tools that can help.
7 Tips to help reduce the anxiety levels are:
- Eat healthier foods with good nutritional value
- Exercise on a regular basis
- Pray or meditate
- Speak positive affirmations to yourself everyday
- Take deep breaths
- Find a positive hobby you enjoy
- Avoid bad coping mechanisms like alcohol and drugs, as well as bullying or speaking negatively about your own self.
We all handle life stressors differently, but by speaking positive words of encouragement and having a positive attitude can help change your mindset. I personally believe when you change your mindset you can start to believe the words you speak. Not only the words you speak to yourself, but your attitude can change. While many people live with anxiety and depression, which are treatable and those individuals who seek help do tend to live happy, healthy, productive and successful lives. It all starts with getting the help you need and deserve.
My Own Struggle
I acknowledged I had developed anxiety during a stressful time period dealing with a new job that brought about many challenges as well as learning about my child’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, which in turn lead me to have heart palpitations and high anxiety and fear. Thankfully by creating a plan, switching schools and organizing my household to accommodate his needs eventually helped me manage my stress and anxiety. In addition, my son’s needs have faded over time from what they use to be so my worry is a little less now with his situation. I still suffer with fear of what others think, that’s a big one for me, messing up and making mistakes brings on stress and anxiety for me as well, but I continue to tell myself, I am learning and growing and these challenges will be for my benefit in the long run.
I grow through the challenges I go through
Another tip I can provide from personal experience is finding an outlet to allow you to get out that frustration or anxiety. That’s why I love writing this blog. Also it allows me to feel like I’m helping others with their own situations, because we’re all in this together. I believe exercise is also helpful. I know I know, I don’t like doing it always, but I feel so much better when I release those toxins. Getting a massage is also helpful in releasing toxins in your body to help you feel more relaxed and calm.
Once you are aware of what you’re feeling can help you distinguish what is causing your anxiety or mood to fluctuate. Seek medical help if you are feeling the symptoms of stress, anxiety, worry and fear that are at extreme risk of injury to you or someone else. Try talking to someone you trust that cares about you and your wellbeing and don’t be afraid to ask for help. By finding an outlet, taking deep breaths, exercise and meditation as well as seeking out professional help if needed can truly help you cope with your anxieties. Also training your brain to think positively about your goals, what you hope to accomplish and being realistic about your triggers can help minimize the effects of every day frustrations.
If you are someone you know is suffering from anxiety or depression or any mental issue, please be kind and help them as best as you can. Even if it means pointing them to a medical professional that can access and assist with their situation or circumstance. I hope this post was helpful to you, please share it to someone you know who may be struggling with anxiety. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy, healthy and successful individuals.