Empowering the Community Through Literacy: Spotlight on Monarch Books BR



Emily C. S. Spears, with her daughter Katherine, founded Monarch Books Baton Rouge. Monarch Books Baton Rouge is the first black woman-owned family bookstore in Louisiana. Monarch Books lifts black and brown authors and is a registered BIPOC Bookseller with the American Booksellers Association. 



TELL ME MORE ABOUT MONARCH BOOKS BR AND WHAT AUDIENCE ARE THESE BOOKS FOR? My daughter and I started the bookstore because we love reading and want to support authors that speak to and celebrate our experiences. In honor of my late mother, my daughter named the bookstore Monarch Books after seeing monarch butterflies which reminded her of her maternal grandmother. We started in the fall of 2020 and completed our soft launch this past October at the Louisiana Book Festival. Monarch Books Baton Rouge is the first black woman-owned independent family bookstore in Louisiana. We are registered as a BIPOC Bookseller with the American Booksellers Association. We lift black and brown authors by promoting titles and brands that celebrate our culture and humanity.



WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO OPEN THIS TYPE OF BUSINESS, AN ONLINE BOOK STORE? Monarch Books was created out of our love of literature. As a writer, author, and theologian, reading sustains and encourages me. For my daughter, she has loved reading from a very early age. She started a book club in Carpool at her elementary school. She writes poetry, songs, stories, and graphic novels. Our online storefront is available at bookshop.org/monarchbooksbr, we also host pop-up shops and literary events. In the future, we look forward to expanding into retail spaces.



I LOVE TO READ AND WHILE I HAVEN’T BEEN READING LATELY, I DO WANT TO GET BACK INTO IT. WHAT BOOK(S) WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THAT EVERYONE SHOULD READ? One of my top recommendations is “We are the Leaders we have been looking for” by Dr. Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. One of Katherine’s recommendations is “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” by C. S. Lewis. I’d also like to recommend “Soil” by Camille T. Dungy. When it comes to finding titles to read, start with your interests and read titles that you enjoy. I tell my daughter all the time, it’s the author’s job to hold your attention. If you’re reading a work and you find your mind constantly drifts or you find that you are no longer interested in knowing what will happen next in the story, it may be time to look for a different book. Read what you want to read as often as you can. My motto is “the more you read the more you read.” Also, audio books are a great way to experience books on the go.

WHAT WAS THE MOST CHALLENGING OBSTACLES YOU FACED WHEN STARTING THIS BUSINESS AND HOW DID YOU OVERCOME THEM? Finding the right business for my family. I’ve tried a few different ventures but this by far is the best fit. It combines our passion, family, and community.



I LOVE READING QUOTES. TO ME, THEY ARE LIKE WORDS OF WISDOM THAT YOU CAN LIVE BY. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE OR DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE OR SAYING? One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Sojourner Truth in her book “The Book of Life, “The truth is powerful, and it will prevail.” In Angola, Indiana, shortly after African Americans were outlawed in 1863, Truth refuted rumors that she was carrying a weapon. In her defense she said, “I carry no weapon. The Lord will preserve me without weapons. I feel safe even in the midst of my enemies; for the truth is powerful and it will prevail.” It reminds me that no matter where we go, the Lord is with us. We belong in every space that we enter because we do not enter alone. Sojourner Truth’s legacy speaks to the strength and tenacity that we have as a people and encourages me to move forward to create spaces that welcome and uplift diverse voices.

I FIND MYSELF DRAWN TO PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY WOMEN WHO ASPIRE TO DO GREAT THINGS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE FIELDS. WHO INSPIRES YOU? The women in my family and faith community are the most inspiring to me. In our midst, there are women who have stood firm in their faith and overcome tremendous circumstances to achieve their goals while fighting for justice, raising children, honoring their marriages, breaking down barriers and so much more.



HOW DO YOU DEFINE SUCCESS? My definition of success is rooted in purpose. Like Sojourner Truth, I believe that we all have a God-given purpose to fulfill in life. I believe that, through sharing my gifts and talents, I am fulfilling my purpose to serve others.

SINCE WE LIVE IN LOUISIANA AND HAVE A VARIETY OF GOOD FOOD HERE. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO EAT? I’m a Louisiana Lady, I love seafood! I love to make crawfish etouffee and to have it over fried catfish and my family loves my seafood gumbo.



WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Oil painting and graphite drawing are two of my main hobbies. I’ve also returned to studying and playing the piano.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR?  Blue is my favorite color! It is calming and soothing and at the same time polished and refined.






Spears and her daughter reside in Baton Rouge, LA with their cat, Comet and dog, Luna.

Spears earned her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing from Louisiana State University.

She also earned a Master of Arts with an interest in International Development and Urban Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. 

A bi-vocational ordained Baptist minister, Spears serves as the Director of Student Ministries at Elm Grove Baptist Church.

Assistant Vice President of Communications and IT at the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority. 



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