Would You Want to Meet You?

"Are you the Kind of Person You Would Want to Meet?"

This is one of my favorite quotes! To me, it doesn't mean you should need to change who you are, because I am definitely all about being yourself and loving yourself, but I do think it is important to sometimes think about the concept of you and what kind of energy you give off in front of others.


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You get what you give!

We all want positive influences in our lives and many of us are searching for them relentlessly -foraging friendships and letting those go who don't inspire us - but often we forget to ask ourselves if we are positive influences.
We go through life looking for positivity and seeking it in others without really assessing what it is that we're giving back to others.  


Granted not everyone we meet are nice or kind people and so it’s easy to just stay away from those individuals. I don’t want anyone to stay away from me…do you want anyone to not like you?


Take a moment and ask yourself the

following questions:

  1. What kind of energy do I give off?
  2. Am I approachable?
  3. Am I interesting to be around?
  4. Can I hold a good conversation with others that is not of a critical or judging nature?
  5. What kind of vibe do I give off?
  6. How do I convey my beliefs and thoughts to others?
  7. How enjoyable am I to be around?
  8. What makes me interesting? Fun? Positive?
  9. What am I giving back to those around me?
  10. Am I a genuinely nice person?



Hello New Me Book

We should be true to ourselves

We all live different lives and go through different things throughout the day, which can change your mood in a matter of minutes. I believe it’s how you react and reply when you are approached by people that makes all the difference.

I notice this when dealing with my kids. I could be in a bad mood and I’ll take it out on them when they didn’t cause my mood, but I wouldn’t respond negatively to my coworker or supervisor for instance. So why would I do that to them?


We have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions 


Sometimes while rushing throughout the day and feeling tired or stressed out about the issues in our lives; we can subconsciously take it out on the people more closely dear to us.

And who wants to be around someone who isn’t in a good mood anytime let alone all the time.

Of course, I'm not at all suggesting that you change who you are. At our very core, we have certain attributes and characteristics that make us who we are.

But there are parts of ourselves that we can alter and tweak so that we are more enjoyable to be around. It might sound like this is changing ourselves for others, but, in reality, the more enjoyable you are to be around, the more people will want to be with you and enjoy your company, which in turns creates more enjoyment you'll find for yourself.


So ask yourself when you look in the mirror would you like to be around you?

As always I wish you nothing but the best of everything life has to offer, full of happiness and much success. 

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