4 Reasons Working Moms Shouldn't Feel Guilty for Providing Financially Outside the Home.

My Dilemma

As a working mom, I often feel guilty for working and providing for my family financially. I know that sounds crazy, but many challenges arise and for my family, summertime brings about extra challenging situations. For start, the kids aren’t at school. Usually, they are at summer camp, which is fairly routine; however, as my children grow older more opportunities arise. For instance, a Photoshop/Digital Media class presented itself where my oldest would earn school credit as well as a stipend for attending the program. I mentioned it to her and with a little hesitation (more on that in a moment) we signed up. My younger son attends the same summer camp they both have been going to for a while. Back to my daughter, the hesitation on that program is that the times are 8am-1pm, mind you both my husband and I work 7:30am-4:00pm M-F. It’s always hard to find programs that work with parents' schedules. I found it very hard to inform my supervisor of my dilemma for two reasons, one I had just come back to work from being off 8 weeks due to a surgery I had to have. Two I just didn’t want to have to mention it, I don’t like coworkers “in my business” or be the topic of conversation, especially at work. Regardless, both my husband and I spoke to our respective supervisors and decided on a schedule. Her program is Monday-Thursday so he would pick her up at 1pm on Monday and Tuesday and I would do Wednesday and Thursday. No big deal right, well the problem comes in when we would have to bring her home which isn’t that far, but the whole process takes about an hour and a half! Walking back to the office after such a long “lunch break” is like walking the Green Mile in my opinion. I had to tell myself that I was doing the right thing. My family come first.


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Here are 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have Mom Guilt

I thought about the reasons I work and what I’m achieving in the first place and if you are struggling with mom guilt, take a look at why you shouldn’t feel that way.



Reason #1: You're Doing What's Best for Your Family

In this economy, you need to have more than one income to make ends meet. To make sure you and your children have the basic needs and wants to be met.


Reason #2: You're Setting an Example for Your Children

By showing your children that you also work outside the home, you teach them that you provide not only through nurturing the family but also provide financially. Your monetary contribution assists and works together alongside your partners to provide economic stability in these unsettling times.


Reason #3: You Have Something to be Proud Of

As a working mom, you set a good example of being independent and a successful woman. Someone who has goals and aspirations outside of just being a mother, which nothing is wrong with that of course. It’s the most rewarding job, but to say you can do both is extraordinary.


Reason #4 - It's Good For Your Mental Health

There are many benefits to having a job outside the home. It allows you to have adult conversations and engage in topics you couldn’t otherwise have with your children. Allowing yourself time to recharge from your kids and provide for them even more because you missed being away from them and they from you. 



There are many benefits to working outside the home and you don’t have to feel guilty AT ALL! I know we wish we could be there for our children always, but sometimes it’s not possible and our kids need to understand that as well. You’re gaining knowledge outside the home and that’s good for your mental well-being and it’s something to bring back to the kids and teach them. We have a responsibility as parents to do what we think is best for our families including our kids, and that includes our financial obligation to help them achieve their dreams as well. We also want to be our best at everything we do and succeeding financially to help with our own dreams and aspirations is also essential. Hopefully, you have a good support system and can master whatever life brings your way. I hope you have a compassionate work environment that is also willing to work with you when things arise in your personal life. As I share my own personal circumstance, I hope this post sheds some light as to why you nor I should feel guilty in any way for providing for our family.

If you’ve made it this far thanks for reading and I wish you all the best on your journey while maintaining work and home life.


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